Friday, July 18, 2008

Tupperware Fundraiser

Well tonight I had my Tupperware Fundraiser. I had 8 fantastic friends who showed up. I'm not sure how much I made for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society yet since my party isn't closing until Monday but I'm just glad people came out tonight! I actually saw a few things I am wanting to get so hopefully I can afford it . .lol.

Tomorrow a fantastic friend of mine is getting up at the butt-crack of dawn to drive across town and watch my kiddos so I can run with the team. This will be awesome because it has been a few weeks since I had a sitter to be able to go run. We are running almost 7 miles tomorrow so I'm hoping I can do it and really hoping I don't stop to walk at all. We are running up at Millerton Lake so that should be lots of fun. I wasn't planning on running so I hadn't really prepared today. So now I'm sitting here drinking up some water and will probably have a protein bar. I did however have an instant breakfast today so that gave me some calories and other "yummy" stuff I need to survive . . lol. I will definitly be paying back this friend with a yummy Starbucks. She's gonna need one by the time I get back . .lol.

So tomorrow I'll blog again and let everyone know how I did. Oh . . better run and charge my I-Pod! Adios!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your fundraiser. Keep trying. Check out my website devoted to bunco. It has lots of free stuff and party ideas. Thanks!